Title 1 School Information

To help students meet and maintain grade level skills while enhancing their self-confidence. Title 1 is a federal assistance program designed to meet the needs of ALL students at TM Primary. Every student in our school is a Title 1 student. TM Primary is a school wide Title 1 campus because the funds provided by the federal government help to meet the needs of all of our students. This funding helps improve the educational opportunities for the success of our children in the regular classroom while fostering positive growth in socio-emotional behavior and attitudes.
Components of a Title 1 School include:

  • School districts have a written policy regarding parental involvement
  • Parents be involved in the design, operation and evaluation of Title 1
  • Parents be consulted about home/school activities and be trained to help their children
  • Whenever possible, activities should be presented in the language spoken by the majority of the Title 1 parents
  • Parents may request and be provided information regarding the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teacher(s).
  • A school may be designated as school-wide when at least 40 percent of the students are eligible for Free and/or Reduced Meals.
  • Title 1 funds may be used to upgrade the entire school’s educational program so that the overall education of ALL children who attend school can be improved.
  • All children, including those with disabilities and children with limited English proficiency, are eligible to receive Title 1 services. 
  • In short, the purpose of Title 1 funding is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education. 

Título 1 es un programa de asistencia federal diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de todos los estudiantes de TM Primary. TM Primary es un campus de Título 1.Los fondos proporcionados por el gobierno federal ayudan a satisfacer las necesidades de todos nuestros estudiantes. Esta financiación ayuda a mejorar las oportunidades educativas para el éxito de nuestros niños en el aula regular al tiempo que fomenta un crecimiento positivo en el comportamiento y las actitudes socioemocionales.

Los componentes de una escuela del Título 1 incluyen:

  • Los distritos escolares tienen una política escrita con respecto a la participación de los padres
  • Los padres participarán en el diseño, operación y evaluación del Título 1
  • Se consulta a los padres sobre las actividades del hogar / escuela y se capacitan para ayudar a sus hijos
  • Siempre que sea posible, las actividades deben presentarse en el idioma hablado por la mayoría de los padres del Título 1